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A wealth of treasured Polish Easter Recipes, Traditions, Crafts and Folklore. Here is the Table of Contents: A Time To Rejoice Fat Tuesday Great Lent Palm Sunday Holy Week Holy Thursday Good Friday Holy Saturday Easter Sunday Dousing Monday Ascension Of Celebrate Easter Polish Style - Revised Edition

by L. Kozlowski

Our Price: $16.50
11 in stock!
Drop-Pull And Pin-Tip Egg Patterns... Slavic Style Drop-Pull And Pin-Tip Egg Patterns... Slavic Style

Spiral Bound

Our Price: $10.00
4 in stock!
Easter Eggs Polish Style and Two Hundred and One Egg Patterns Easter Eggs Polish Style and Two Hundred and One Egg Patterns

By Lawrence G. Kozlowski

Our Price: $16.95
7 in stock!
A cookbook of doughs and fillings for the preparation of Traditional Slavic Filled Dumplings and Filled cookies. Filled Dumplings And Filled Cookies... Slavic Style

Spiral Bound

Our Price: $9.95
6 in stock!
This richly illustrated Polish language album begins a series of publications about the origin and meaning of popular prayers. Godzinki - Album

Polish Language Text

Our Price: $21.95
1 in stock!
This publication is a collection of traditional holiday recipes belonging to farm wives from all over Mazovia (central Poland including the Warsaw area). These include recipes that have graced the tables of our ancestors since time immemorial. Holiday Cookery - Kuchnia świąteczna

Culinary Traditions Of Mazovia, Poland

Our Price: $14.95
Internet Special $9.95
4 in stock!
Marguciu Marginimas Aukstaitijoje./ Decorating Easter Eggs in Aukstaitija -Softcover Marguciu Marginimas Aukstaitijoje./ Decorating Easter Eggs in Aukstaitija -Softcover

By Odetra Tumenaite-Brazeniene

Our Price: $60.00
1 in stock!
Polish Customs, Traditions, and Folklore Softcover Polish Customs, Traditions, and Folklore Softcover

By Sofie Hodorowicz Knab and now in a paperback edition with illustrations, historical black and white photographs, and color photographs throughout the book!

Our Price: $24.95
12 in stock!
Polish Customs, Traditions, and Folklore, Revised Edition Polish Customs, Traditions, and Folklore, Revised Edition

New Appendix: Traditional Polish Games And Pastimes For Children

Our Price: $24.95
3 in stock!
Polish Holiday Cookery and Customs acquaints readers with traditional Polish foods associated with various occasions and furnished countless cooking tips and serving suggestions. The clearly written recipes facilitate the preparation of the dishes... Polish Holiday Cookery And Customs

By Robert Strybel

Our Price: $16.95
Originally published in 1996, Polish Touches includes essays about Polish Americans, their customs, traditions, and more than 100 traditional recipes. This revision has many new features: A listing and short essays about Polish Saints, text about organiza Polish Touches: Recipes and Traditions, Polish Americans Coast to Coast

Edited by Jacek Nowakowski, and Joan Liffring-Zug Bourret

Our Price: $19.95
13 in stock!
Little Katia learns how to make pysanky from her mother. This short story is woven in beautiful poetry and colorful illustrations. Perfect for story time. This Was the Day - A Ukrainian Easter Story

by Ann Kmit and illustrated by Phyllis Haywa

Our Price: $2.50
12 in stock!