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This book is primarily intended to supplement lectures on the history of Poland for English-speaking students who increasingly come to Poland on various foreign exchange programs or as individuals. A History of Poland In Outline

by Robert Bubczyk

Our Price: $29.95
Internet Special $18.73
12 in stock!
In A Traveller�s History of Poland, John Radzilowski vividly describes the beginnings of the country, first fragmented then reborn.  Poland enjoyed a Golden Age in the 15th and 16th centuries, but a gradual decline then led to a loss of autonomy.... A Traveller's History of Poland

by John Radzilowski

Our Price: $16.95
14 in stock!
Berlitz Polish Travel Pack includes a 224 page phrase book and an audio CD. Learners are provided with 1,200 written words and phrases, easy-to-understand pronunciation, a dictionary, emergency expressions, and color-coded Berlitz Travel Pack w/Audio CD

Passionate About Language

Our Price: $21.95
Described here are the places where Chopin lived, stayed on his summer holidays or visited in passing. Each of the chapters - devoted to the regions of Mazovia, Wielkopolska, Malopolska Chopin's Poland - A Guidebook To Places Associated With The Composer

By Marita Albán Juárez and Ewa Sławinska-Dahlig.

Our Price: $34.95
Sale Price: $24.95
5 in stock!
Krakow - the former royal capital of Poland is one of the most visited places in our country. In 16 chapters we present 440 contemporary and archival photographs, prints and maps. In this publication we tried to present the history of Cracow, its monument Cracow

By Christian Parma And Gregorz Rudzinski

Our Price: $24.95
7 in stock!
Cracow A City Of Kings Cracow A City Of Kings

By Christian Parma And Gregorz Rudzinski

Our Price: $24.95
2 in stock!
Culture Smart! provides essential information on attitudes, beliefs and behavior in Poland, ensuring that you arrive at your destination aware of basic manners, common courtesies, and sensitive issues. Culture Smart! Poland - Customs And Culture

A Quick Guide To Customs & Culture

Our Price: $11.99
Internet Special $10.18
(Out of Stock)
DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: Poland DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: Poland

Updated 2023 Version!

Our Price: $24.99
Internet Special $16.30
4 in stock!
Footprints of Polonia: Polish Historical Sites Across North America Footprints of Polonia: Polish Historical Sites Across North America

Edited By Ewa E. Barczyk

Our Price: $29.95
5 in stock!
Over 300 photographs collected in this album show Kaszuby primarily from the side of what is interesting, beautiful and unique in them. There are also many shots that could be described as slightly pretentious carpe diem. Kaszuby

By Jaroslaw Ellwart

Our Price: $59.95
5 in stock!
Colorful tourist guide brochure in Polish, English and French featuring the story in words and photographs of the painted village of Zalipie in south eastern Poland. Kolorowe Zalipie - The Colorful Zalipie - Tourist Guide

Printed In Poland

Our Price: $5.95
1 in stock!
This full color album features beautiful photographs of the old city, its monuments and neighboring castle ruins. Krosno I Okolice - Krosno And Its Surroundings

Text By Ewa Mankowska
Photograph By Tadeusz Budzinski

Our Price: $39.95
Internet Special $29.95
1 in stock!
Lublin, ktorego nie ma:  A Lublin That No Longer Exists Lublin, ktorego nie ma: A Lublin That No Longer Exists

By Joanna Zetar

Our Price: $39.95
3 in stock!
Malopolska is among our country's most interesting regions: it abounds in natural treasures and relics of ancient past. The charm of the Tatras, the beauty of royal Cracow and other remarkable places may be admired by looking by looking at this album feat Malopolska - Little Poland

Photographs By Michal Grychowski

Our Price: $79.95
Malopolska - Little Poland - Mini Version Malopolska - Little Poland - Mini Version

Photographs By Michal Grychowski

Our Price: $22.95
Meksyk Praktyczny Przewodnik Meksyk Praktyczny Przewodnik - Practical Guide To Mexico

Great Little Guide

Our Price: $29.95
1 in stock!
The publication includes both historic buildings, as well as those recently established. This concept combines the past with the present. Among the presented buildings and sites of Opole are majestic churches, parks, an impressive town hall and "Opole Ven Opole And Its Surroundings

By Ryszard Emmerling

Our Price: $29.95
3 in stock!
A remarkable museum located near the town of Ciechanowiec.  The Rev. Krzystof Kluk Agricultural Museum celebrated its Golden Jubilee in 2012.  This beautiful album was produced to commemorate that anniversary.  The museum is located on the grounds of a gr Perla Podlasia - The Pearl Of Podlasie

By Dorota Gnatowska

Our Price: $34.95
5 in stock!
Pieniny Pieniny

Photography By Michal Grychowski

Our Price: $16.95
7 in stock!
Poland For Everyone Poland For Everyone

By Bogdan And Christian Parma

Our Price: $39.95
1 in stock!
Poland Mini Album II Poland Mini Album II

Photographs by Christian Parma

Our Price: $24.95
8 in stock!
Poland. 1000  Years In The Hear Of Europe Mini Album Poland. 1000 Years In The Hear Of Europe Mini Album

By Malwina Flaczynska and Artur Flaczynski

Our Price: $49.95
4 in stock!
This album has been created for those who would like a glance at Poland in the context of the places lived, visited and trails that Saint John Paul II took during his life. Poland. Following the Paths of Saint John Paul II

By Mirek And Magda Osip-Pokrywka

Our Price: $49.95
Sale Price: $41.40
3 in stock!
Polska Poland Polska Poland

By Pawel Klimek

Our Price: $39.95
5 in stock!
The Four Temples District is a magical place. It is here where the followers of four creeds – the Roman Catholics, the Jews, the Orthodox and the Protestants – live side by side. Yet the district has never been as saintly as one might have imagined. Secrets Of The Four Temples District

Tales And Stories About Wroclaw - Past And Present

Our Price: $21.95
9 in stock!
Tarnow's Jewish cemetery, called 'kirchol' by the locals, is one of the biggest and most interesting Jewish graveyards in Southern Poland. It is also one of the oldest, with great history and beautifully carved headstones. Tarnow's Jewish Cemetery

By Adam Bartosz And Janusz Koziol

Our Price: $9.95
3 in stock!