Poland has more Christmas Carols than any other nation in the world. Many have a folk song character and are called pastoralki or shepherd's carols. Some contain dance rhythms like the Krakowiak and Mazurka. Folklorist John Jaworski has spenty many summer vacations in Poland searching through bookstores for old and forgotten carols. With this recording he hopes to preserve them for posterity. In his thirty-plus years of performing, John Jaworski has sung, played, and recorded with such groups as the Keynotes, Chi-Town Express, Stas Golonka, Stas Bulanda, and several more from the Chicago area. One of his recordings was as a member of the Three Polish Tenors on Chicago Records. One of his musical achievements of which he is most proud was an old- country style album on which he collaborated and performed with Chet Kowalkowski. It was chosen by the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C. as a recording which best typifies the Polish folk genre. Jaworski retired from the profession of teaching in June of 2006 after 34 years of service. His family has been his greatest influence in keeping this great musical tradition alive. Source - The Polka Editor http://polkaeditor.com
Song Selections:
1. Pojdzmy bracia - Let's Go Brothers A Shepherd's Carol about going caroling (from the Lublin region) 2. Stala nam sie dzis nowina - Today We Heard the News Another Shepherd's Carol telling about the flight to Egypt 3. Judzka kraine noc okryta - Night Falls Upon the Judean Countryside A retelling of Christ's birth as night falls 4. Cieszmy sie i pod niebiosy - Let Us Rejoice Let us rejoice for the Virgin has borne a Son 5. Pastuszkowie bracia mili - Dear Brother Shepherds What the shepherds saw while tending their flocks 6. Przy onej gorze - On Yonder Hill Shepherds marvel at the bright light on yonder hill 7. Sliczna Panienka jako jutrzenka - Lovely Maiden, Beautiful as the Morning Star A telling about the Holy Family at the manger 8. Jezus malusienki - Little Baby Jesus One of the most beautiful of all carols 9. Wiwat dzisiaj - Long Live This Day A Shepherd's Carol telling of the fulfillment of the prophet's holy writ 10. Przy Hornej dolinie - In the Valley of Horna A Highlander Carol in which they bring regional delicacies to the manger 11. Ej bylismy bracia - Brother Shepherds We Were There A Shepherd's Carol describing the manger scene 12. Medrcy swiata - Sages of the World Telling of the journey of the magi to Bethlehem 13. Narodzil sie nam Zbawiciel - Born to Us is the Savior An ancient Shepherd's Carol that tells of our Lord's birth 14. Powstan Dawidzie - Arise David A Shepherd's Carol with biblical references to David, Simeon and Anna
- Compact Disc
- 14 Selections
- Total Time: 37:00
