Non-edible chemical dye. This “Viking Violet” is a brilliant fast taking dye that turns a bit more blue when varnished. It's one of those dyes that is beautiful and powerful! It's an amazing last dye and goes very well with Canola Yellow, Monarch Orange, Borealis Green and would make a stunning "one colour" pysanka.
If you make a dye wash with this dye you'll get a softer violet.
VIKING VIOLET REPRESENTS AWARENESS, REFLECTION, FAITH, TRUST AND FASTING, WHILE ENCOURAGING CREATIVITY, SPIRITUALITY AND REFLECTION. 1000 years ago, Canada had Vikings. They sailed from Greenland and settled at the tip of Newfoundland’s Great Northern Peninsula. When we think of Vikings we think of rugged, ruthless and strong. I love that the women were resourceful and used natural dyes to give colour to their clothes. I wonder if they ever used natural dyes to colour eggs? Viking Violet may not be a natural dye but it is bold & powerful and represents the Viking spirit to a tee. Vikings used motifs to carve pictures on stones. One of these motifs is now on the egg of our Viking Violet dye package.
- Weight 1g
THESE ARE NONEDIBLE DYES. - All our dyes are considered low toxicity and non hazardous, although some care must be taken for long term exposure to all chemicals and colourants.
- do not ingest or inhale.
- basic protection like gloves, long sleeve clothing and masks when mixing your powered dyes should be used.
- keep away from children and pets
- if possible, keep your dye area separate from your kitchen.
- avoid eating and drinking near your dyeing areas
- keep your cooking and dyeing utensils separate
- do not use the same tools and containers you use for food for your dyeing projects
- all our dyes are not food safe, please do not use for cooking or eating.
- For use with raw eggs. Do not eat eggs after dyeing.
- Made In Canada
