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Polish Wedding Album By Big Daddy Lackowski
This is our most popular wedding album which features touching renditions of "Twelve Angels" and Daddy's Waltz sung in Polish and English. Just Added!!! (to the CD only) the often requested song: Serdeczna Matko - Beloved Mother!
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Our Price: $15.95
UPC: 888295425759

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This is our most popular wedding album which features touching renditions of "Twelve Angels" and Daddy's Waltz sung in Polish and English. Just Added!!! (to the CD only) the often requested song: Serdeczna Matko - Beloved Mother!
Song Title Information:
  1. Na porchu Polish Wedding March (inst)
  2. Dwanascie Aniolow Twelve Angels (vocal)
  3. Tatusiu Daddy's Waltz (vocal)
  4. Matka Mother's Waltz (vocal)
  5. Iskiereczka Ognia Sparks of Fire (vocal)
  6. Na Weselu At the Wedding March (inst)
  7. Pozwolic Mnie Nazwac Kochanka Let Me Call You Sweetheart (vocal)
  8. Pani Matka Mother-in-law Oberek
  9. Jak Szybko Mijaja Chwile How Quickly Time Flies (vocal)
 10. Zielona Traweczka Green Grass Polka (vocal)
 11. Na Rocznice Anniversary Waltz (vocal)
 12. Serdeczna Matko Beloved Mother (vocal)
  • Compact Disc
  • 12 Selections
  • Total Time: 36:00

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