It’s a good thing our Polish block set has four complete alphabets, because you’re going to need all the C, Z, and Y blocks you can find. This 32 wood embossed block set is made from sustainable Michigan basswood, and includes letters, numerals and animal pictures. 32 1.75" cubes (44mm).
Frequently Asked Questions How do I clean the blocks? Not surprisingly, untreated wood and moisture don’t mix well. Water warps. You can clean your blocks lightly with a damp cloth and mild detergent, but avoid getting the embossed sides wet. Moisture is more likely to cling to the crevices, making them more susceptible to damage.
Is it OK to gnaw on the blocks? Weirdly, we get the “is it OK to lick or chew on the blocks?” question quite a bit. Let’s make it crystal clear: keep the blocks out of your mouth. They aren’t teething toys. And they certainly aren’t food. Looking behind the question, we get it. Babies put things in their mouths, so adults get concerned and ask if it’s safe. Rest easy: since we don’t put any sealer or coating on our blocks, blocks are technically mouth-safe.
What about defects? If you look carefully at your block set, you might see mineral streaks, pinholes, or wood grain. These aren’t defects. Wood has a naturally imperfect and beautiful character. We wouldn’t dream of replacing a perfectly imperfect wood block. However, if your block is cracked or damaged, please let us know. We’ll replace it.
Are Polish blocks blocks safe? Polish ABC Blocks are a timeless classic. Generations have thrived by playing with wood blocks. So, yeah, of course they’re safe. If you’re concerned about the paint, don’t be. The company buys their inks from an American manufacturer that doesn’t use heavy metals. To keep them honest, we test every gallon of ink before we put it on our blocks. We’re fanatic about quality and safety. Check out our CPSIA (Consumer Protection Safety Improvement Act) Certificates online. http://unclegoose.com/cpsia/C01a_CPSIA2013_PO32.pdf