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Hand Carved And Painted Funky Polish Bird 10"
Hand carved and painted by famed Polish folk artist Andrzej Graczyk.  Size is approx. 10" x 4.5" x 2.5"
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Hand carved and painted by famed Polish folk artist Andrzej Graczyk. Signed by the artist. Size is approx. 10" x 4.5" x 2.5".

About the artist in his own words.
I was born in 1965 in Begno, 30km from Płock. In the neighbouring village there lived Jan Staniszewski, a farmer and sculptor, whose works had for years been of interest to private collectors, galleries and museums.

As a 10-year-old boy I got attracted to Mr. Staniszewski’s sculptor’s workshop. I used to visit him together with my brother and a few friends from the nearby villages. At first, I closely studied how sculptures were created by the skillful hands of the artist, and then I started trying on my own.

My initial works were timid attempts at representing various historical and sacred characters, and with time I came up with birds of my own unique style. I divide them into 3 species: domestic, heavenly and fanciful. And yet, all of them are simply forms which I free from enchanted pieces of trunk or twigs, mostly limewood, and which I restore to the real world, adding only colour to highlight their character and dynamism.

I paint in all the colours of the rainbow: the more cheerful ones when I am in a good mood, and darker ones when I am sad. „People say that the birds remind them of their acquaintance”, I used to be amused by such remarks but not anymore, because I have understood they bear „human” features.

Currently I live in Worowice-Wyroby village, district of Staroźreby, in Płock poviat. My sculptures have been acclaimed worldwide. I have had numerous individual and collective exhibitions in Poland and abroad (USA, France, Switzerland, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, Greece, Japan, Republic of South Africa, Australia, Austria, Norway, the Netherlands, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia and others) in galleries, museums and community centres. I have had a chance to meet various representatives of the political and cultural scene and to exhibit my works in the Presidential Palace.
  • Size is approx. 10" x 4.5" x 2.5" - 25cm x 11cm x 6cm
  • Hand Made In Poland

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