This comprehensive
reference book covers all facets of research that you will need to successfully
trace your Polish-American family history. Topics include:
- Local American records of birth, marriage and death; church
records, probate documents, voting records, cemetery records, state censuses,
records of fraternal organizations and many more unique sources
- Federal records: United States immigration and citizenship
documents, passenger lists from Ellis Island and other US ports of entry,
federal census records and Social Security records
- Brief history of Polish-American communities in the US and
- European records of birth marriage and death, tax lists, passport
records, censuses, repatriation records and much more
- Historical geography illustrated with maps to help you understand
the many border changes that took place over the centuries in Eastern Europe
- Extensive language and translation sections to help you understand
the documents you find and unlock the secrets of your personal family history.
Included are Polish spelling and sounds, grammatical outline of the language
and vocabulary lists in Polish, Russian, Latin and German
- A section on our names, their origins and meanings
- Appendices listing the locations of Polish parishes in the USA,
addresses of Polish archives and genealogical and historical societies
- A wide range of sample documents so you can see what types of
records await you in your search
The author shares his over two decades of research
experience in Polish genealogical investigations, including on site archival
experience in Poland, Lithuania the US and Canada. TABLE OF CONTENTS - SPIS TRESCI
Acknowledgments iii
Preliminary Notes ix
1. The Language - Your Companion
Throughout the Research Process 1
2. Capsule History of Poland and
Worldwide Polonia 16 Capsule History of Poland 16 Emigration 22 Polish
Immigration to the United States 26 Permanent Settlement - Population
Distribution 28 Development of the Polish-American Community 31 Polish
Settlements in Other Nations 36 Polonia in Canada 37 Polonia in Latin
America 38 Polonia in Australia and New Zealand 40 Polonia in Europe
41 Ethno-cultural Groups in Poland 48
3. Sources on This Side of the
Ocean 54 Local and State Sources 54 Vital Records 58 Church Sacramental
Records 62 Other Records at Parish Archives 64 Printed Parish and
Organizational Histories 68 Death-related Sources 71 City Directories,
Professional Directories, and Yearbooks 76 Newspaper Sources 79 Probate
and Other Court Records 84 School Records 86 Records of Polish Fraternal
Organizations 88 Hospital, Orphanage, Welfare, Police, and Incarceration
Records 91 Town Reports 94 State Census Records 95 Voting Records
95 Local Libraries and Historical Societies 96 Other Local and State
Miscellanea 98 Basic Paper Preservation 101 Et Cetera 103
4. The
Records of the United States Federal Government 104 Federal Census Records
104 Passenger Arrival Lists 109 Alien Registration Files and Related
Documentation 120 European Departure Lists 120 Naturalization Papers
125 Passport Records 126 Russian Consular Records 127 Military Records
127 Social Security Applications 131
5. Geographical Sources
132 Generalizations - Why Can't I Find Grandma's Village? 137 Gazetteers
140 Guidebooks and Church Directories 151 German-Language Gazetteers
154 Gazetteers for Former Austrian Territory 160 Gazetteers for Former
Russian Territory 162 Maps 166
6. European Sources: Vital Records in
Poland 169 Brief History of the Keeping of Vital Records in Poland
169 Description of a Sample Register 177 Structure of the Polish Language
181 Latin-Language Documents 187 Polish-Language Documents
195 Russian-Language Documents 207 German-Language Documents
219 Accessing Vital Records 224 Archives in Neighboring Nations
228 Guide to Writing Letters in Polish 228 Guide to Writing Letters in
Russian 232 Vocabulary Lists: Polish 235 Vocabulary Lists: Latin
243 Vocabulary Lists: Russian 248 Vocabulary Lists: German 259
Additional Polish and European Sources 263 Church Sacramental Registers and
Parish Censuses 264 Census Records 267 Other Census-Like Records
271 Repatriation and Resettlement Records 274 Revizskie Skazki - Revision
Lists 281 Estate Inventories and Related Records 283 Military Records
286 Records of Nazi Concentration Camps, Displaced Persons Camps, and
Similar Documentration 291 Passport Records 293 Notary and Court
Records 294 Nobility Documents 296 Uniquely Jewish Records 299 Archives - Last Thoughts 300 Non-Archival Printed and Electronic Resources
8. Our Names in Europe and America 311 Patronymic and Matronymic
Surnames 312 Topographical and Geographical Surnames 313 Surnames Derived
from Occupations and Associated Objects 314 Descriptive and Miscellaneous
Surnames 314 Suffixes Revisited 315 Name Alterations 317 An Index of
First Names prepared by William F. Hoffman 319
Final Words
Appendix A - Polish Parishes in the U. S. 345
Appendix B -
Links to Get Started 367
Appendix C - Contact Addresses for Archives
Bibliography 391
Index 398
- Softcover, perfect bound,
- 420 bindery pages (x + 410)
- 8.25" x 11" - 21cm x 28cm
