BABY JESUS ON THE HAY The Polish word 'Wigilia' comes from the Latin word, vigil, meaning watchful or awake. In Poland, Wigilia always refers to Christmas Eve. Throughout the centuries, a rich folk tradition has grown around the Polish Wigilia. In preparation for the traditional Wigilia meal, some hay is placed underneath the crisp, heavily starched white linen tablecloth. Also, in villages and on farms, sheaves of grain and straw are placed in the corners of rooms as symbols of the birth of the Christ Child in a stable.
Following is a traditional poem describing this custom, with the English translation:
Stary zwyczaj w tem maja chrzescijanskie domy, Na Boze Narodzenia po izbie slac slomy, Ze w stajni Swieta Panna lezala pologiem.
There is an old custom in Christian homes, To scatter straw around the house on Christmas, Because Our Lady lay in a stable giving birth to her Son.
- 5"x7" Folded with Envelope
- The card design is done in wycinanki (paper cutout) style the front and the title and a short story/description of the Baby Jesus on the Hay Christmas tradition on the back.
- The inside has a Christmas greeting in both Polish and English.
