Free Szopki Building Workshop
American Polish Cultural Center
DATE: Saturday, October 5, 2024 ~!~ TIME: 11:00am - 2:00pm
This workshop-class is for individuals (children, youth, adults, returees, etc.,), families and organizations. All skill levels are welcome to join the class.
Materials and templates to start construction of your own Szopka will be provided, however you are welcome to bring your own items.
TO ATTEND PLEASE RSVP by THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2024 to: [email protected]
The Friends of Polish Art
Annual Szopka Competition
Looking for a family project or
something to bring the family closer together?
You may have always wanted a Krakow-style creche or szopka (shop-ka) to
display in your home during the holidays.
Now, is the time to get started on this gratifying project so that you
and your family can work together to create a meaningful heirloom.
Each year, a Szopka Competition is
held in Krakow, Poland on the first Thursday of December.
Architectural elements found within the city
of Krakow are used in the designs of the szopka.
Detroit Area participants or szopkarze
are encouraged to fashion their szopka after one of the local Polish churches.
Come with a good attitude, any
materials that you have gathered and get started!
Call with questions; 313-874-2242 ext. 1